Episode 35: Imperfect Wellness: Embracing Balance, Self-Compassion, and Realistic Health Goals

Today’s episode topic is one of our favorites to discuss, and one of the biggest reasons as to WHY we started our podcast: imperfect wellness.

Wellness isn’t about striving for ‘perfection’, but rather, embracing balance, self-compassion, and realistic goals in our mental, physical, and emotional health. 

Even though NOBODY is perfect, it can be super easy to fall into the all-too-familiar ‘comparison trap’. We see what everybody else is doing on social media, and we automatically think that we’re not doing good ‘enough’, right?!

In today’s conversation, we’re sharing more about our journeys with ‘imperfect wellness’, 4 key principles of imperfect wellness, and tips to help you embrace this into YOUR life. While we’ve struggled with perfectionism tendencies and fear of failure, we’ve also learned that giving ourselves grace, compassion, and allowing ourselves to adjust (or simply ‘rest’ more) during certain seasons is SO necessary!   

We hope this episode encourages you to find more joyful + sustainable ways to navigate your wellness journey. It’s time to break free from the pressures of perfectionism, and embrace imperfect wellness in ALL areas of your life! 

In this episode, we’re covering:

  • What ‘imperfect wellness’ means to us

  • Why 2 things can be true at once

  • Realizing that failure does NOT have to be the ‘worst thing ever’

  • Key principles of imperfect wellness

  • Practical tips to help you embrace imperfect wellness

**Disclaimer: The information shared in this podcast is NOT meant to be taken as individual or medical advice. These conversations are for educational purposes only. Please seek the advice of your physician or healthcare provider regarding any medical condition or treatment.



Episode 34:Understanding Erectile Dysfunction: A Deep Dive into Male Pelvic Health with Bill Taylor