Episode 31: Pelvic Prolapse Insights: Symptoms, Treatment, Management, and More

Today’s episode isn’t the *most* exciting topic to talk about (especially if it’s something you’ve experienced personally), but it’s a big one!

Pelvic organ prolapse (commonly referred to as ‘prolapse’), is often misunderstood. Prolapse can feel like a ‘scary’ word..but it doesn’t have to be a scary reality for you! 

In today’s conversation, we’re talking about pelvic prolapse, and what the various types can mean for you. We’re diving into risk factors for developing prolapse, signs and symptoms, treatment options (like pessaries), the importance of regular vulva ‘checks’ on yourself, and more.

Prolapse can bring up sooo many emotions - we’ve been there too, and the ‘freak out’ is real! Thankfully, it’s NOT a death sentence, and is very treatable. There’s a lot we can do as pelvic health providers (nope - surgery doesn’t have to be your *only* option).

We hope our pelvic prolapse insights really sheds some light on this subject, and encourages you to get the right kind of support - you deserve it!!

In today’s episode, we’re covering:

  • Why prolapse feels like such a scary & heavy topic for women + the importance of knowing WHO you’re learning this information from

  • What pelvic organ prolapse is + similar terms you’ll hear referring to this

  • Possible risk factors for developing prolapse

  • The variety of emotions that can arise when dealing with prolapse + our personal experiences

  • Signs & symptoms of prolapse + why doing vulva ‘checks’ matter

  • What the diagnosis + assessment process for prolapse entails

  • Treatment options for prolapse + how a pessary can help

  • What prevention + ongoing management for prolapse looks like

  • Realizing that prolapse isn’t something you’re ‘stuck’ with forever + choosing to get treatment earlier, rather than later

**Disclaimer: The information shared in this podcast is NOT meant to be taken as individual or medical advice. These conversations are for educational purposes only. Please seek the advice of your physician or healthcare provider regarding any medical condition or treatment.



Episode 32: Reflecting on 2024: Finding Hope and Embracing Imperfect Wellness in the New Year


Episode 30: Why One Pelvic Floor Visit Isn’t Enough: The Importance of Consistent Care