Episode 25: Mindset Matters: Shifting Perspective to empower healing

Today’s episode is covering a topic that is often overlooked, but definitely impacts you more than you think!

Yep..we’re talking about the power of your MINDSET, and how it really can ‘make or break you’ as you’re trying to heal. In today’s conversation, we’re discussing why mindset matters, and how shifting perspectives can empower healing. Mindset is a crucial piece of your healing journey, and as pelvic floor physical therapists, we see this all the time when working with our patients. 

When you stop doubting yourself and get out of that ‘victim’ mentality, you CAN get better. A positive mindset is powerful, and when you allow yourself to see what’s possible by putting in the work and believing in yourself (regardless of what obstacles come your way), true healing IS possible!

Whether you’re focusing on your health, fitness, career, or something else, don’t forget to celebrate yourself and all of your ‘wins’ along the way. We hope this episode empowers you to embrace imperfection; progress IS a beautiful thing, and ultimately, your mindset matters when it comes to your healing!

In today’s episode, Mindset Matters: Shifting Perspectives to Empower Healing, we’re covering:

  • How changing your mindset in order to heal can be difficult, but totally possible too

  • Learning to ‘flip the switch’ and get out of the ‘victim’ mentality, so you can tackle any obstacles ahead of you

  • The powerful mindset shift that happens when you DO believe you have what it takes + why a positive mindset is similar to compound interest

  • Getting out of the ‘all or nothing’ mindset and celebrating your wins, instead of feeling defeated for not doing enough

  • Understanding that 2 things can be true at once + holding space for progress, not perfection

**Disclaimer: The information shared in this podcast is NOT meant to be taken as individual or medical advice. These conversations are for educational purposes only. Please seek the advice of your physician or healthcare provider regarding any medical condition or treatment.

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Episode 26: From Pain to Pleasure: Overcoming Vaginismus and Dyspareunia with Pelvic Floor Therapy


Episode 24: Understanding Stress Urinary Incontinence: Myths, Causes and Treatments