Episode 27: Flexibility in Expectations: Navigating Postpartum Exercise and Activity
Before we get into today’s topic, we have to share something exciting...
We just hit our ONE year anniversary with the podcast (yep, our podversary)!!
This last year has been a fun one - we’ve learned a LOT through this process, and have truly enjoyed getting to dive deep into topics that we’re passionate about. We’re so grateful for this space, and we hope you’ve learned a thing (or two) about pelvic floor therapy, and what it looks like to prioritize your health and well-being, regardless of the season of life you’re in.
In today’s episode, we’re discussing why flexibility in expectations matter, and more specifically, navigating postpartum exercise and activity. As pelvic floor physical therapists, we often work with women who are eager to return to regular exercise, activity, sports, etc. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always go as planned, which leaves women feeling confused, frustrated, and uncertain as to what they should do going forward.
There are many gaps in the education & guidance women receive in regards to postpartum, and what to expect. It’s time to change that, and even more, stop thinking that at 6 weeks postpartum you’ll ‘magically’ feel like exercising and having sex again, without skipping a beat!
We believe in informed and flexible postpartum care for all. Focusing on crucial ‘pillars’ when it comes to your health, as well as being realistic with your goals and expectations in the postpartum season is so, SO important.
The postpartum period is an incredibly beautiful time, but also very challenging. Please remember to have grace with yourself, because your recovery journey is unique to YOU!!
In today’s episode, Flexibility in Expectations: Navigating Postpartum Exercise and Activity, we’re covering:
The increasing trend happening with people online giving pelvic floor ‘advice’, without proper training or education
4 key pillars to focus on in the postpartum period
Why it’s crucial that we change the narrative around returning to exercise and sex 6 weeks postpartum
The importance of balancing your goals & expectations as a postpartum woman + being realistic with what you can do in this season
Why proper loading vs. repetitive exercises builds strength and better supports you long-term
Shifting away from the ‘all or nothing’ mindset in postpartum
**Disclaimer: The information shared in this podcast is NOT meant to be taken as individual or medical advice. These conversations are for educational purposes only. Please seek the advice of your physician or healthcare provider regarding any medical condition or treatment.
Links/resources mentioned:
Check out Dr. Nikki on Instagram @thefemmethod
Check out Aromatherapist Dori Bell on Instagram @theblossombar
Save $10 with code GOODLIFE10 when you purchase the 12 Days of Holiday Calm Advent Calendar
Connect with us:
Follow on Instagram @the.pelvis.project
Follow Megan on Instagram @kansaspelvichealth
Follow Roxi on Instagram @goodlifepelvichealth
Check out Megan's website
Check out Roxi's website